Wild Wonder Nature Journal Educators Workshop

John Muir Laws

Have you considered teaching nature journaling or leading a club or group in your region?

Join me and John Muir Laws, co-author of How to Teach Nature Journaling, along with Rob Wade, and other experienced educators on June 9-10, 2023, for a fun, informative, and empowering two-day online workshop offered by the Wild Wonder Foundation.

This workshop is for anyone who is teaching in any form—or wants to teach. This includes formal classroom educators, but also homeschool parents, park rangers, adult education instructors, nature center staff, scout leaders, environmental educators, club leaders, and more. Beginners are welcome. Even if you haven’t taught yet, but you love nature journaling and would like to teach, we would love to have you join us!

It’s affordable—only $70 with opportunities for scholarship grants, and will include six months of access to all the video recordings and resources.

You will come away from this workshop inspired with best practices and practical tools for teaching nature journaling, and you will be prepared to put them into practice with your students.

Roseann teaching basic watercolor techniques at the Baja Field Arts Bootcamp in February 2023.


Alaska Field Arts Bootcamp – August 19–25, 2023


Baja Field Arts Bootcamp Recap