Finally! A new (small) shipment of VDEG Edition 5

We have been out of stock on the revised and enlarged Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide edition 5 for two months, but finally a small shipment is on the way from England. Tom Sheppard shepherded a new digitally mastered print run, and the pallet has now landed on the east coast and is en route to Tucson.

If you order a copy now it will be shipped as soon as we’ve laid our hands on them.

VDEG remains the standard by with all others of its kind are measured—600-plus pages and four pounds of expertise. Despite the recent worldwide challenges with inflation and transportation, we’ve held the price to the same as the last batch.

Few books have as loyal a following as this one. I drove 120 miles to buy my first copy in 1999. I know readers who have purchased every edition; others, such as my friend Peter Sweetser, dragged their original 20-year-old copies of VDEG plus Tom’s 4x4 Driving all over the world before finally updating their expedition library:

I was honored and humbled when Tom brought me on board in 2015 to help make the book more relevant to North American readers. Between the two of us the Vehicle-dependent Expedition Guide keeps getting better and better (and bigger . . .). If you don’t yet own a copy, your expedition library is tragically incomplete! Order here.