Swing-away kitchen in a Pelican case

Full disclosure: I screen-shot these images from a Facebook post years ago, and noted the names of the owner/fabricator and a friend who, I believe, helped him with it. A couple of years later I tried to track down the owner and could not; however, I did make contact with his friend who informed me that, sadly, the owner had died in the interim. If anyone reading this knows more (or differently)—or if you are the current owner of the Land Cruiser, please contact me.

With that caveat, the reason I archived the images should be obvious: This is a very clever hack of a Pelican case, which with some simple interior woodwork turned it into an extremely usable and convenient kitchen and chuck box. I wish I had more and larger files, but it’s easy to get the idea from these. If you don’t need the extra swingout on your Kaymar (etc.) bumper for fuel or water, this would be a useful alternative and would save space inside while not adding too much weight out back.